May 12, 2012

Thailand, A Year in the Life...

Having the experience of living abroad is something I've wanted to do since I studied Shakespeare in London one summer in college.  I've made a few lame attempts at applying over the years, but the idea began swirling around in my mind a few years ago.  We all have lots of ideas that are fleeting, but when they stick, it's time to follow through. Feeling unfulfilled and restless, I knew now was the time to shake things up and reassess my goals and priorities. March 2011 my focus became teaching in Thailand, and with lots of planning and waiting I applied for a placement, and after a few more months of waiting, I received the exciting news that I for certain would be fulfilling my desire to live abroad.  Why Thailand?  I have another goal of visiting all 7 continents before I'm 40 (6 down 1 to go!)  So I thought an extended stay in Thailand with the opportunity to visit other countries was the right choice.  And Thailand seemed so exotic.  What it has turned out to be is hot!

After a week of orientation, I was able to settle in to my new digs, see my new school, and catch a glimpse of my new 'willage' (as my school coordinator says :)).  Although I'm in Bangkok, I'm out in a suburb in Summakorn Village.  I think I'm going to enjoy my little community.  From my 3rd floor office at school I can faintly see the Downtown Bangkok skyline.  Kinda cool.  But now the real test begins--can I overcome the daunting challange of a strange country, acclimate to the culture, and have a positive experience?  There will be other native English speakers working at my school who can share in the experience and make the difficult days a little easier.  I have a little time before students arrive; my first day of school is May 14, the students begin May, 23.  It's ironic that as I'm preparing to leave the profession, I take a job teaching abroad and start a new school year the day before students at home finish their school year. 

I know day by day things will get easier.  The days won't feel as hot.  I'll always remember to carry toilet paper and hand sanitizer with me.  And the food won't taste as spicy.

If you think of me during the next year, send a little light and love my way.  Here's to a year in Thailand!  Sawatdee kha!


  1. Awesome! I can't wait for more updates!

  2. So awesome..... Heather took my words for me. I can't wait to hear more about it... want pictures too. :-)

  3. BRAVO, for setting your mind on something and going after it. As if there was ever any doubt?! Ha. I'm am so excited for you but nervous all at the same time. Stay safe, have fun, and fulfill your dreams!

  4. Sa wat dee kup. No peppers in Thai is " mai prik." Its one of the only phrases my wife learned.
