June 5, 2010

Brisbane. Still not feelin' it. I woke up at 4:50 am this morning to go on a really cool tour to sandboard, snorkel a shipwreck, and see a blue lagoon on an all-sand island. Our tour was cancelled and we didn't get the message. We rescheduled because I can't imagine what I can do in this city for another day. It is a beautiful, bustling city that I'm sure would make a really cool place to live...if you can afford it. But I've missed the culture and the history that seems to be lacking. I just feel like I'm stuck killing time and spending a lot of money without a rich return. We did spend a beautiful day literally putting around the city. We made a stop atop Mt. Coot-tha where we could see the entire city all the way out to Moreton Bay. It really was a gorgeous view. The river runs through the middle of town, so catamarans are running nonstop all day to shuttle people from one side to the other. We hopped on a City Cat and soaked up the sun as we enjoyed the scenery that passed by.

Brisbane was established as a penal colony for the "hardest cases" in 1825. Trying to forget its roots, the population is 2 million and growing.

Because there's not much to do here it seems, I am beginning to learn the finer points of rugby. If I stay here much longer, I may find myself trying out for the Nashville Women's Rugby team when I return home.


  1. Robin, I wished I was there! However, I am wiping the nose of a 3 year old. IF you see and really cool alligator stuff animal, would you get it? I didnt realize you were leaving or I would have brought you money. If not, no biggie. Have fun and look forward to reading your blog!


  2. Hope you Ladies are having a Fabulous Time! And your Mom is hanging in their with her arm, bless her heart. Be safe, love you! Judith
