June 13, 2010

Onward, and Upward!

Saturday we set out early for the Hunter Valley, New South Whales best wine region. We scheduled tastings at three small boutique wineries. Although grapes are not native to Australia, and all of the vines had to be brought in, this region is known around the world for its Shiraz. I think I missed out on the best Shiraz at the first stop, but I guess I'll have to enjoy the one I did purchase. With my arms loaded down with wine and the question of 'how am I going to get all these bottles back home???', we returned to the hotel. Our guide decided to go off script and drive us home a more scenic route. We stopped off at a farm where he spotted wild kangaroos (and a little joey in momma's pouch) grazing in the cow fields. Seeing kangaroos to Australians is like seeing deer for Americans.

We finished the evening at the Sydney Observatory. It's not that we're into stargazing, but it was an opportunity to view starts and constellations that we aren't able to view in America. We saw Saturn and its rings through a giant telescope, and viewed the Southern Cross, Mars, and Saturn outside on the viewing deck. A cool way to spend an evening...and keep my mind off of my Bridge Climb early the next morning!

The Bridge Climb was certainly a unique way to view Sydney 134 meters above sea level from the summit of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. And as soon as I figure out exactly how high 134 meters is in fee, I'm sure I'll be scared! (that's 440 feet!!!) I had the safety and security of stairs, ramps, handrails, and security cables, but those men who built that bridge didn't--an amazing feat and a beautiful bridge.

Our trip is coming to a close. I've conquered Australia by air, sea, bridge, sand, land, and about everything else in between. It's been a fun trip!

1 comment:

  1. How's your mom holding up? Sounds like a wonderful trip. Been doing more reading than responding. I really enjoy reading the blogs.

    Donna Engelhardt Whitman
