June 19, 2011

Murphy's Law

What can go wrong, will go wrong. Everything from a cold shower to missed flights to unavailable Internet to forgotten luggage. Lots of bad luck. I met with my trek guide at 8:30 Saturday night. She told me that she would pick me up in a few hours at 4:45am the following morning--oh, and I would miss my flight back to Lima at the end of the trek. I was unable to find a phone to call to change my flight. The hostel's Internet wasn't working either. On a wing and a prayer I emailed all of my flight details to my mom for her to change for me. I would not know an answer for 4 days when I arrived back in civilization, also known as the God forsaken town of Aguascalientes. Mom pulled through and my flight was changed--with a 35 minute layover in Lima. I also ran out of money. Had to call Mom this time--in tears. Three towns and 3 Western Unions later, I got the money. Again, thanks Mom! Well, my flight to Lima was delayed. I missed my connection. I was a day late to my lodge in the Amazon. They were very accomodating and worked hard to give me the experience I paid for. More flight problems that Mom helped me fix. More flight changes. Forgotten luggage. Now I'm back in Lima ready to come home tomorrow. I really don't know what else could go wrong!!!

1 comment:

  1. SHEESH!! Glad it all worked out!! Can't wait to see you and the pictures!!
